
Sandy Hook Slaughter: The Newtown Shooting and Massacre in Connecticut - Adam Lanza. Thoughts and Lessons on a Tragedy and the Coming Paradigm Shift.【電子書籍】[ Conrad Powell ]





<p>"Sandy Hook Slaughter..." explains the developing set of events that led to the now infamous massacre in Connecticut. It weighs the gun control debate providing a brief history of gun control positions and offers solutions to the problem. it also examines the autism factor and takes a critical look at Nancy Lanza's parenting decisions.</p><p>This book is a short must read for the nation providing solutions that will be practical in preventing such a tragedy from every happening again.<br />Out of the darkness may hope glimmer eternal forging a path where we as a nation put families over firearms, people over politics and common sense over conservatism.<br />10% of the proceeds from this ebook will be donated to the fund set up for the families of the victims.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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  • 商品価格:100円
  • レビュー件数:0件
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